TakeUp — Adaptive Hotel Pricing Platform.

Branding & Identity, Websites & Digital Platforms

TakeUp (backed by 1848 Ventures) is an adaptive pricing platform that uses artificial intelligence to optimize room prices, simply. The current hotel pricing model is broken. Hotel owners and operators don't know how to price accurately, and in real-time. As the Founding Team of TakeUp approached us, we wanted to challenge the industry in creating a visual language and design system that could clearly convey the process of automation and expansion. Initially, our objectives were on brand strategy/architecture, visual identity and language - extending outward to a front-facing digital experience (website). We're now pursuing extendable solutions and strategies from Demo Decks (Conferences) to other interactive solutions to posture the brand for rapid growth.

  • Identity Design
  • Data Design
  • UX/UI Design
  • Web Development
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